Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just get the ID

This is in response to Zach Turner's  blog on Voter ID's

Voting is an important aspect of our society and we have to make sure that the people voting are legal citizens that have an idea who and what they are voting for. I completely agree with you and I feel as though requiring an ID in order to vote should not be that be that big of a deal. Yes some may say it is a it is not fair to those who live far away but shouldn’t every voting eligible adult at least have some kind of state provided form of identification? To me that is just a lame excuse. Also saying that it is the Republicans way of hurting Democrats is kind of an extreme stretch to the situation because if Democrats in society really want to go out and be involved with their Government they could at least take that step to getting a voter ID and so could Republicans or any other party for that matter.

Voting is vital and the decisions made affect each and every individual and society as a whole so it is important that the people voting have an idea as to whom and what they are rendering power to. Though some voters do not really care about the politicians they vote for, maybe because they are forced or pressured into doing so, but for most people that will actually leave their houses and drive all the way to a voting center to cast a ballot means they know what they want for society and who would do their job for them and they are passionate about it thus I do not think these people would mind getting a voter ID for this reason.

Also like you said this ID costs about the same as a Driver’s License which is 20 bucks, I think that is pretty affordable. And also having this ID helps lower voter fraud throughout the nation. People should just suck it up, get the ID and go vote.

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